Peakstone’s industry expertise creates powerful opportunities for its clients.  Our investment banking professionals have served clients in a wide range of industries advising on mergers and acquisitions, raising debt and equity capital to fund growth or recapitalize a client’s balance sheet, and providing strategic and corporate finance advice.  Our teams of industry-focused investment banking professionals have strong relationships with strategic buyers and financial investors globally, enabling our clients to meet their objectives.

Several of our investment bankers are former CEO’s and business owners who have “walked in the shoes” of our clients.  They have sold businesses to private equity firms and stayed on to lead them.  They have run small businesses and divisions of Fortune 500 companies.  They are entrepreneurs who have started and sold several businesses.   These bankers have unique insights into our clients’ businesses and provide perspective on what is attractive to buyers, sellers and investors.   Given our industry experience, we are able to learn our clients’ businesses quickly and craft an effective marketing message tailored to our clients’ objectives.

Securities offered through Peakstone Securities, LLC member FINRA/SIPC. All investments involve market risks, including the loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Information on this website is not intended to be a recommendation or specific investment advice. Securities or companies mentioned are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation to buy or sell. Investment decisions should be made based on an individual’s objectives and risk tolerance. Information on this website is intended for US residents only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities in any jurisdiction to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer. Peakstone Securities, LLC is registered as a broker-dealer in the following states: Click here to see licensed states. The information provided does not constitute an offer to buy or sell in any jurisdiction to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer.
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